Antivirus Tip: Before you call for help, try to find it out if your problem is internet, network or device-specific. Researching problems helps in the long run.
Antivirus Tip: Keep a list of at least five people you know who can help you if your computer starts doing something you know isn’t normal.
Antivirus Tip: Keep a list of at least five people you know who can help you if your computer starts doing something you know isn’t normal.
Antivirus Tip: Always use two-factor authentication – this generates a password that you must enter at the time and adds a layer of security.
Antivirus Tip: If children use your PC, disable certain internet functions or limit their time on the device. Teach them how to avoid unsafe websites, too.
Antivirus Tip: Do not use public charging ports. They are a prime target for criminals to tinker with that allows them access to your charging device.
Antivirus Tip: Make friends with people who work with computers and know how to set up networks. They typically have the knowledge to help with malware.
Antivirus Tip: Enable a screen password prompt. This limits access and gives you peace of mind.
Antivirus Tip: One way to tell if a site is phishing is if it uses a regular e-mail extension like gmail.com, rather than a company-related email address.
Antivirus Tip: Limit the number of games you have on your device. They occasionally have click-bait ads that can be tempting, especially to children.