Antivirus Tip: Schedule your anti-virus to run three times a day: morning, afternoon and in the evening.
Antivirus Tip: The amount of sensitive information you work with should determine how strong your protection should be – paid antivirus software is always best.
Antivirus Tip: The easiest way to avoid ransomware is to not click on suspect files, download from trusted websites, and avoid giving out personal data.
Antivirus Tip: Any e-mails requesting to install additional programs onto your device must be deleted immediately, as they likely contain malware or spyware.
Antivirus Tip: Make sure your anti-spyware has ‘link protection’ which scans a page against a database of updated addresses that are known to be harmful.
Antivirus Tip: Schedule regular virus checks using your anti-virus software, and alternate the days that you run various software.
Antivirus Tip: A good rule to have is to always scan anything you download before you open it. Set your anti-virus software to do this automatically.
Antivirus Tip: It is wise to back up your important files and have them on a separate memory storage device, just in case of a virus or malware.
Antivirus Tip: A computer virus replicates itself by changing the code in other programs to copy itself across a computer system.
Antivirus Tip: There are several different types of viruses and they all behave differently, including how they spread: virus, trojan and worm.