Antivirus Tip: To keep your network uncompromised, do not tell anyone or post about your SSID, which is the name of your Wi-Fi network.
Antivirus Tip: If you have guests on your network, assign them a guest SSID and a different password that expires once they have completed their task.
Antivirus Tip: Turn off the ‘save password’ function in all of your internet browsers. Write down your passwords for safe-keeping.
Antivirus Tip: Enabling an ad-blocker will reduce the number of ads you see, and decrease the likelihood of you clicking on one that leads to a virus.
Antivirus Tip: Be wary of links on social media, especially if you do not know the user. Even if you know the person, exercise caution when clicking on a link.
Antivirus Tip: If you’re not using a printer or file sharing across a network, turn off the option.
Antivirus Tip: Always be wary of USB devices as they can typically infect any network by simply being inserted. Set your antivirus to scan before starting them.
Antivirus Tip: Be sure to check that the Wi-Fi you connect to is from a secure source, and one you can easily identify.
Antivirus Tip: When installing any new software, make doubly sure that the install process does not add additional software from unrecognised sources.
Antivirus Tip: Do not use your birthday, spouse or pet’s name, or an obvious popular culture references as a password. They’re the first to be guessed correctly.