Antivirus Tip: Turn off the ‘save password’ function in all of your internet browsers. Write down your passwords for safe-keeping.
Antivirus Tip: Use your own devices, as typing your personal info on another device might result in your information being used for criminal reasons.
Antivirus Tip: You can use a virtual private network to prevent intruders from seeing your browsing history and hackers accessing your device.
Antivirus Tip: A strong password combines capital letters, numbers, and more than eight characters to make it impossible to guess, even with software.
Antivirus Tip: Never think ‘that will never happen to me’, nor think that all the websites you visit are immune to hackers.
Antivirus Tip: If you allow children to use your devices often, teach them good habits such as not sharing personal details or clicking on blinking pop-ups.
Antivirus Tip: Always be wary of USB devices as they can typically infect any network by simply being inserted. Set your antivirus to scan before starting them.
Antivirus Tip: Where possible, lock down your security settings so they cannot be changed unless you use admin privileges on your network.
Antivirus Tip: Never leave a PC or device unattended. If you know you’re going to be gone for anytime longer than 10 minutes, lock it or shut it down.
Antivirus Tip: When installing any new software, make doubly sure that the install process does not add additional software from unrecognised sources.