Antivirus Tip: Anti-virus programs scan your files for certain patterns to detect malware, but sometimes it picks up helpful programs. Always check scanning results.
Antivirus Tip: Clearing out the internet browsing history and cache is a wise habit to develop, especially if you want to remove another person’s activity.
Antivirus Tip: Most web browsers have many add-ons that can enhance your safety – like phishing protection – while using the internet. Download the right one.
Antivirus Tip: Not all security functions are automatically enabled or the default. Check system settings to ensure that all possible security is on.
Antivirus Tip: Install an antimalware app – it scans your PC for viruses, spyware and other malware trying to access your mail and files.
Antivirus Tip: Remember to use the parental controls in the system settings of your device to limit what children can access.
Antivirus Tip: Check your system settings to see which functions are enabled, such as network connectivity or file sharing.
Antivirus Tip: Enable auto-update on your device. Each operating system usually has security updates that can provide basic protection.
Antivirus Tip: A strong password combines capital letters, numbers, and more than eight characters to make it impossible to guess, even with software.
Antivirus Tip: Never think ‘that will never happen to me’, nor think that all the websites you visit are immune to hackers.