Antivirus Tip: If you ever notice your PC or device acting suspiciously, like working very slowly or turning itself on, perform a full virus scan and back-up.
Antivirus Tip: Encrypt very sensitive information, and do not keep it on a PC or device that can access the internet. Rather use a flash drive.
Antivirus Tip: Uniquely mark your devices, as criminals can swap them out, and record you inputting your passwords and other sensitive information.
Antivirus Tip: To secure your device, always operate under the assumption that you do not have protection.
Antivirus Tip: Some companies offer a physical ‘key’ – resembling a flash drive that must be inserted – as a form of password protection for maximising safety.
Antivirus Tip: When you are unsure if a website is safe, google the address before the time to ensure that clicking on it won’t infect your IT device.
Antivirus Tip: Keep a physical list of people who have access to your devices and those who know your passwords, as a way to keep track of users.
Antivirus Tip: If an app provides a lock option, use it. This can prevent unwanted access to your device.
Antivirus Tip: It might seem obvious, but keep your device’s operating software up to date to plug any holes in its security and regular fixes for program bugs.
Antivirus Tip: Where possible, encrypt your device’s ‘hotspot’ function. This will prevent anyone else from using this connection point.