Antivirus Tip: To keep your network uncompromised, do not tell anyone or post about your SSID, which is the name of your Wi-Fi network.
Antivirus Tip: If you work on a network, keep it limited to only a handful of connected workstations, and with security such as passwords and connection types.
Antivirus Tip: It might seem obvious, but keep your device's operating software up to date to plug any holes in its security and regular fixes for program bugs.
Antivirus Tip: Keep a physical list of people who have access to your devices and those who know your passwords, as a way to keep track of users.
Antivirus Tip: When you are unsure if a website is safe, google the address before the time to ensure that clicking on it won't infect your IT device.
Antivirus Tip: Some companies offer a physical 'key' – resembling a flash drive that must be inserted – as a form of password protection for maximising safety.
Antivirus Tip: Always close your internet browser when you are done, and turn off your data or Wi-Fi connection when not using your device.
Antivirus Tip: Be careful when sharing memory-storing devices, as they can easily pick up viruses. Plugging them in can result in an infection.
Antivirus Tip: Delete any unexpected e-mails in your inbox that offer deals that seem too good to be true, such as major markdowns on items you want.
Antivirus Tip: Be sure to check that the Wi-Fi you connect to is from a secure source, and one you can easily identify.