Antivirus Tip: Use a password manager program to not only manage all your passwords, but encrypt them, too. Writing down passwords on a notepad is smart.
Antivirus Tip: Restarting your device typically clears the memory of minor errors. If they persist, back up all your data and then perform a factory reset.
Antivirus Tip: If you ever notice your PC or device acting suspiciously, like working very slowly or turning itself on, perform a full virus scan and back-up.
Antivirus Tip: A sign that your device is infected is sudden sluggish performance and programs running without a prompt. Scan and clear out threats immediately.
Antivirus Tip: Encrypt very sensitive information, and do not keep it on a PC or device that can access the internet. Rather use a flash drive.
Antivirus Tip: No network or system can be 100 per cent secure, but taking precautions helps. Get protection according to how risky your work is.
Antivirus Tip: Every one of your network users must be safety-conscious. Understand how to be safe online and what to do when something worrying happens.
Antivirus Tip: Keep a ready list of easy ‘how to’ instructions for guests to make it easier to navigate the security you have set up on your PC and network.
Antivirus Tip: Never leave a PC or device unattended. If you know you’re going to be gone for anytime longer than 10 minutes, lock it or shut it down.
Antivirus Tip: Share knowledge with those who use your devices, so they are aware of what to avoid and limit their usage to prevent any accidental infections.