Antivirus Tip: Schedule your anti-virus to run three times a day: morning, afternoon and in the evening.
Antivirus Tip: The amount of sensitive information you work with should determine how strong your protection should be – paid antivirus software is always best.
Antivirus Tip: The easiest way to avoid ransomware is to not click on suspect files, download from trusted websites, and avoid giving out personal data.
Antivirus Tip: Any e-mails requesting to install additional programs onto your device must be deleted immediately, as they likely contain malware or spyware.
Antivirus Tip: To keep your network uncompromised, do not tell anyone or post about your SSID, which is the name of your Wi-Fi network.
Antivirus Tip: If you have guests on your network, assign them a guest SSID and a different password that expires once they have completed their task.
Antivirus Tip: Enabling an ad-blocker will reduce the number of ads you see, and decrease the likelihood of you clicking on one that leads to a virus.
Antivirus Tip: Turn off the ‘save password’ function in all of your internet browsers. Write down your passwords for safe-keeping.
Antivirus Tip: Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. Use long, varied passwords, and a different one per account.
Antivirus Tip: Be proactive about IT security, and constantly read up about new updates and the latest in tech news to be aware of recent developments.
Antivirus Tip: Some free programs, in some aspects, work better than their paid counterparts. Always do research to see which program suits your needs.
Antivirus Tip: Only install software from trusted sites, as non-secure sites could install additional, and potentially, malicious programs.